News & Updates

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1,000,000 kWh Green Energy

Last weekend we reached a milestone with our photovoltaic system: 1,000,000 kWh! By the time that the North Rhine-Westphalian Minister of the Environment visited us in 2007 to inaugurate what was then the largest photovoltaic system in our region, this figure was still unimaginable. Shortly afterwards, the system got increased from 64 kW to 75 kW. Now, an incredible one million kilowatt hours of green energy and over 500 tons of saved CO₂ have become reality. We will continue our work to protect the environment and are already looking forward to the summer!
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50th anniversary Jupp Stüken

It is very rare that we get to celebrate a party like today. Because today we bid farewell to Franz Joseph (“Jupp” for short) Stüken on the occasion of his 50th anniversary of employment into his more than well-deserved retirement! For half a century, Jupp was a just as reliable as skilled employee. For half a century, he was one of those employees, who can be described as the backbone of our company. We hope that Jupp Stüken is now enjoying his retirement and raise a glass to him! As to quote the freshly retired man: “Those who work hard can also celebrate hard.”
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Tech-project with Balve secondary school

Whenever we can, we support our academical cooperation partners in preparing their pupils for the world of work. Most recently, this took place in form of a tech-project, which lasted several weeks. From October 30th to December 11th, six pupils from Balve secondary school spent time at our company once a week. Under the guidance of our maintenance foreman Mr. Maiwurm and our locksmith Mr. Teckhaus, they independently crafted a german boards game, including game figures and a dice. A lot of different types of metalworking were used in the process. We would like to thank the six boys for their commitment and good cooperation and wish them lots of fun playing!
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Donation to a Neuenrade based school

Today, Karl Nöcker and Julius Klinke visited the Hönnequellschule Neuenrade for an early christmas present. A small turning machine for the workshop lessons. This is intended to introduce pupils to machining at an early age. In this way, we want to contribute to a broader educational offer and support the young adults in exploring - or excluding - new areas of interest. We would be delighted, if this even makes one or another to do an internship with us! On behalf of the whole school, Mr. Körner, the teacher in charge of the workshop lessons, and the two pupils Pepe Hobitz and David Maljenovic accepted the lathe. We wish them lots of fun!
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We keep investing!

Even in economically challenging times, we are constantly developing and invest in new machines, systems, software and much more. This is the only way to remain successful in the long term and stay at a technologically leading position. We are therefore happy to welcome our two new müga-turn iSpeed turning machines, which create more capacity in our finishing department since last week. This department often carries out operations that are not possible on automates. The new machines therefore contribute to more flexibility and a wider spread offer for our customers.
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Our Very First Honey

Since they were moved to our company grounds, beekeeper Louis Andree took a very good care of our bees. And the approximately 250,000 bees were quite diligent as well, as now it is finally here: Our first harvest in the form of about 240 glasses of honey! We would like to share these with our employees and are happy to be able to give one glass of honey to every one of them for free. Enjoy!
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He's back

By now it is already a tradition: The visit of the employers associations infotruck with his dedicated employees. For two days, pupils of two different local schools informed themselves about possible apprenticeships and jobs in the metal industry. They did so by spending time in the truck and participating in a profound factory tour. We enjoyed taking the time for that, as turning young people into outstanding employees is something we do by heart. It is only to them, that we managed to become world market leader. And even if this visits only result was, that one or another finds out, that a job in our field is not the right thing for them, we can call it a success.
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Start of the 2024 apprenticeship year

Today we are happy to welcome four new apprentices, during a breakfast with our production managers, the head of production, all other apprentices and one of our CEOs. We wish the very best for Maximilian Schönfelder, Nikita Fot, Luigi Emmanuele and Liam Preuß and hope for many years of good collaboration!
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Young Trees

There is only one, who is happy about this Sauerland "summer" - nature. And therefore, the small deciduous forest in the middle of Neuenrade is, too. In 2018, we planted around 60 trees in an area right next to our company’s parking lot. These trees have been growing strongly ever since, binding plenty of CO₂. So perhaps we are also benefiting from the rain somehow...
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Build Your and Our Future!

Anyone who has been to a cinema in our area in the last few weeks may have already seen it: Our new apprenticeship movie! Nothing is possible without good employees. Neither for us nor for the rest of the industry. That's why we offer apprenticeships and are always on the lookout for young, motivated people who are keen to start working with us. We offer apprenticeships for the following professions: Zerspanungsmechaniker (m/w/d) Industriemechaniker (m/w/d) Maschinen- & Anlagenbediener (m/w/d) Industriekaufmann (m/w/d) and Fachlagerist (m/w/d) Get to know us through an internship or vacation work and apply now. Build your and our future!
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Be(e) Mindful

A quarter million bees found a home on our company premises in 2024. From there, they fly to our green roofs and the high rack warehouse, as well as surrounding meadows, fields and forests. The collected nectar and pollen are needed for the honey production. Through their work, the roughly 250,000 bees significantly contribute to the preservation and spread of countless fruits, vegetables and flowers. This in turn has a major impact on improving biodiversity. The total amount of honey produced adds up to 60 kg every year. Beekeeper and Neuenrade resident Louis Andree takes care of the hives and harvests and processes the honey.
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Cart Racing

Last Saturday our apprentices met for cart racing in Gevelsberg. Together with a couple other employees, they were racing for the fastest team of two. Aljoscha Schwermann and Giuliano Haucke accomplished to win the trophy. By now the apprentices cart racing is already a tradition for nearly 20 years. After a long day full of fun the final stop was the Neuenrade Ahorn Klause, where they got plenty of food and drinks.
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Heating Without Gas

Right now, we are once again realizing how important a good heating system is and how much we depend on it running reliably. To ensure that we remain as independent as possible, our entire company has been cooled and heated by a geothermal air conditioning system since 2010. For this purpose, 50 holes, each 100m deep, were drilled into the ground. A medium runs through these holes, where it takes on the temperature of the ground and is then led through our company. The amount of electricity required for this is produced by our photovoltaic system. In combination they save the environment a total of 250,000 kg of CO₂ every year. Together with the effective use of our machines exhaust, we are therefore almost completely independent of fossil fuels and regulate our temperature in an absolutely environmentally friendly way.
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Merry Christmas Everyone!

Like every year, we threw another big christmas party this december. For our colleagues and pensioners, the company Pommesfuchs had set up a great Christmas market in the Garbeck Schützenhalle with a variety of food and plenty of liquors. People celebrated and danced to the music of DJ MUS-T. With all the global and local problems and crises, it's good to have a Christmas party like this before things really get going again!
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Index Multi-spindle Number 15

Constant investment in the latest technology is absolutely essential in our business. One of the latest, is our 15th multi-spindle machine, which we were able to add to our machine park this month. The special feature of this machine is that different processing steps can be carried out simultaneously at 6 stations. This reduces the time per part considerably and large quantities can be produced much more cost-effectively.
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We Promote Company Events!

As a family business, we are more than just colleagues. That's why some of us met up last weekend to go hiking and a few weeks ago to go cycling. With good weather and plenty of food and drinks afterwards, the focus was on socializing. This was certainly not the last event of this kind - thanks to Mr. Brenke for organizing it!
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Julius Klinke at the BOM

We were out and about again today promoting apprenticeships and providing information about various apprenticeships at the "BOM", a prestigious, regional job-orientation fair. Together with many other companies from Neuenrade and the surrounding area, we welcomed a large number of pupils and parents to a Werdohl‘s school grounds.
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Building the Future

An apprenticeship in the metal industry is not only a great way to start a successful career - it is also the entry into a varied, future-proof and interesting profession! To provide information about exactly this, we were able to welcome pupils from local schools to our company over the last two days. With the help of our employer association's info truck, its dedicated employees and a detailed tour of the company, we were able to give the future graduates an understanding of the high-tech machining process, which is important for the economy. As apprentices are urgently needed in all areas of the economy, we have not only filled 7 new apprenticeship positions this August, but also guarantee to offer a job to every good apprentice at the end of their apprenticeship.
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Time to Celebrate!

Today dozens of our employees took part in celebrating Schützenfest, which is an old, german tradition. A "dreifach donnerndes" horrido to the Schützenfest Neuenrade and our new king!
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Saying "Thank You"!

The active members of the Neuenrade fire-department sometimes even put their lives at risk, when they perform their service, which is anything but a matter of course. They are ready to help us at any time of the day or night. As a small gesture of appreciation, we therefore donated a 10€ fire fighter coin to each of the 116 firefighters. The subsequent get-together with food and drink was as joyful as expected!
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Julius Klinke GmbH & Co. KG Acquires First 3D-Printer

Every day we try to improve, develop and break new grounds. The result is our very first 3D printer. Thanks to numerous areas of application in production, maintenance and production planning, our latest investment has already proven its worth. Let's see what happens next!
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Markus Brenke as the New Plant Manager

Markus Brenke has been our new plant manager since this month! Several decades of professional experience in our industry, a high level of specialist knowledge and several years of training in our company have prepared him perfectly for this position. Mr. Brenke is not only the first point of contact when it comes to our production, but also for all topics relating to apprenticeships! In his new role, he follows Udo Nattermüller, who has gone into well-deserved retirement after 46 years with the company and 23 years as plant manager.
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Julius Klinke GmbH & Co. KG Donates Over 3,000 Seedlings to the City of Neuenrade

Although our big anniversary was last year, we recently gave the town of Neuenrade a belated gift to mark the occasion. 1847 (year of foundation) seedlings on the Judenberg and 1750 (company age x 10) seedlings on the Kohlberg to reforest our woods. What is now barely more than a meter high will grow into a mighty mixed forest of Norway maple, copper beech, hornbeam and chestnut in a few years' time!
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Alexander Klinke at the NRW Climate Resilience Forum

Due to our intensive commitment to the environment, Alexander Klinke (2nd from right) was invited to the NRW Climate Resilience Forum today. Representatives from research, business and politics met in Düsseldorf to discuss how economy and ecology can be harmonized, which possibilities already exist today and what is needed to strengthen our natural environment. We will definitely continue to be as active as before!
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Time for Politics

This Wednesday we had a high-ranking political visitor in the house. As part of a tour through his constituency, Paul Ziemiak (Member of Parliament and Secretary General of the CDU NRW) visited us together with Jens Spahn (Member of Parliament and Deputy Chairman of the CDU), Matthias Eggers (Member of Parliament) and representatives of CDU Neuenrade. After a brief welcome and a tour of our plant, Alexander Klinke spoke openly about the political problems facing our country and the challenges for the industry. In the subsequent discussion round, all those present had the opportunity to comment on topics such as the A45, the shortage of skilled workers and the misguided subsidy policy. Thank you for the interesting day and your visit!
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The Ending of Our Anniversary Year

Our anniversary year is drawing to a close and we would like to say thank you. Thank you to everyone who took part in our festivities, who celebrated with us and, of course, especially to all those who contributed to the fact that there was an anniversary to celebrate in the first place! Enjoy the holidays and Merry Christmas!
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Mankind has been turning for almost 3,000 years. But where does the term even come from? You can find out in this short video. When turning, the workpiece - the turned part - rotates around its own axis. At the same time, a tool moves along the contour to be created on the workpiece. Together with other machining methods, we can produce a wide variety of parts. From small to large and from simple to highly complex. Challenge us!
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A New Generation

As of this month, there's a Julius Klinke in the company's management again after more than 100 years! After studying business administration in Münster, he worked for many years at various companies in commercial and technical fields. Now, with the great-great-great-grandson of company founder Friedrich Heutelbeck, the sixth generation has joined the family business. As Managing Director, Julius Klinke supports his father, Alexander Klinke, in leading the company. We wish him all the best!
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Pupils Visiting Julius Klinke GmbH & Co. KG

What is an apprenticeship in the metal industry actually like? To answer this question, we had the employers' association's training truck here this week and welcomed many pupils from Neuenrade and the surrounding area. Julius Klinke has long been an excellent training company and offers apprenticeships for a range of interesting and future-oriented professions every year. If you have any questions about an apprenticeship with us or the opportunities to explore the professions, just write to us - we will be happy to help you!
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Environmental Protection has Never Looked so Good!

Since 2021, the first and only vertical garden in the our area has not only been a significant visual improvement on the bleak, white walls of our high-bay warehouse. In fact, the flowers, grasses and ferns planted over an area of about 500 m², provide home for countless bees and other important insects on our company premises. The heatwaves of recent weeks have shown us more than clearly how indispensable committed contributions like this are in the fight against global warming. This project was made possible for us by the Belke company from Lennestadt.
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We are Looking for New Employees!

As a constantly growing company, we are always on the lookout for highly motivated employees and apprentices, who want to play an active role in shaping the success of our company! For generations, we have been offering our team crisis-proof jobs, fair conditions and the opportunity for continuous further training. You can find current job advertisements and information on our website under "Career"!
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The Power of the Sun

We are twice as happy, when the sun is shining! Because that's when the, at the time of installation, largest photovoltaic system in our region is running at full power. The generated electricity is enough, to cool and heat the entire company and save the environment about 50.000 kg of CO² every year.
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One More!

Last weekend, our anniversary celebrations entered their second round. This time with the dedicated people without whom our success story would not have been possible: Our employees. Thank you for your daily commitment! And thanks also to Beatrice Egli, Matze Knop and the Amigos from Garbeck, for the phenomenal atmosphere!
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Who is Us?

Anyone who follows us will have noticed by now that we come from the Sauerland region and are a 175-year-old family-owned company, that's managed by the 5th generation already. But who and what exactly is the Julius Klinke GmbH & Co. KG and what are the reasons for our success? The easiest way to find out, is to watch our new company film via this Link. Enjoy!
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175 years of company history is a reason to celebrate!

Last Friday we were allowed to celebrate this anniversary with our customers and suppliers, as well as friends and family, to the music of star violinist David Garret until late into the night. Thank you very much for being there, we had a lot of fun!
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A Room Full of History

Not only do we hold regular meetings in our small in-house museum, but it is also the place where we welcome customers, suppliers, applicants and maybe even you one day!
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A Heart for the Environment

In 2021, we installed a public charging station for electric vehicles, to promote e-mobility in our region. But as it's a matter of course, that this is not all we do, we are looking forward to continuously show you, how we reconcile economy and ecology. Also in the picture is our owner and manager Alexander Klinke.
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On our highly modern, computer-controlled (CNC-)turning machines, we manufacture metal parts for mechanical engineering, hydraulic systems, wind turbines, medical devices and much more. The prerequisites for a production at the highest qualitative level can only be ensured through constant investing in the most innovative technologies. We are therefore pleased to add 4 new CNC-machines to our plant this month!
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We Can do More Than Just Turned Parts!

Being 175 years old now, Julius Klinke is the oldest manufacturer of piano components in Germany. Therefore we arranged a little piano concert in our factory, to start the anniversary year. Thank you very much for the great performance, Ms. Althoff!
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It’s The Time of The Year!

Every year in december, the large christmas tree on our company’s roof lights up. We wish you a Merry Christmas!