Founded in 1847, we are one of the world's
Founded in 1847, we are one of the world's
most versatile and modern machining
most versatile and modern machining
companies and recognized world market
companies and recognized world market
leader. Every day more than 1 Billion people
leader. Every day more than 1 Billion people
entrust their safety to our products.
entrust their safety to our products.
Founded in 1847, we are
Founded in 1847, we are
one of the world's most
one of the world's most
versatile and modern
versatile and modern
machining companies and
machining companies and
recognized world market
recognized world market
leader. Every day more than
leader. Every day more than
1 Billion people entrust their
1 Billion people entrust their
safety to our products.
safety to our products.