Bahnhofstraße 64
58809 Neuenrade
Founded in 1847, Julius Klinke is recognized
Founded in 1847, Julius Klinke is recognized
world market leader for complex
world market leader for complex
precision turned parts and piano
precision turned parts and piano
components. The family business
components. The family business
is currently being managed by the
is currently being managed by the
fifth and sixth generation.
fifth and sixth generation.
At our company headquarters in Neuenrade, in the
At our company headquarters in Neuenrade, in the
Sauerland region, industrial production has a
Sauerland region, industrial production has a
long tradition. Here, more than 200 first-class
long tradition. Here, more than 200 first-class
employees, as well as constant investments,
employees, as well as constant investments,
ensure the conditions for production at the
ensure the conditions for production at the
highest quality and economic level. A large
highest quality and economic level. A large
and multifaceted machine park guarantees
and multifaceted machine park guarantees
maximum efficiency and flexibility.
maximum efficiency and flexibility.
For us, the focus is on the customer. We also
For us, the focus is on the customer. We also
see ourselves as a service provider – with the
see ourselves as a service provider – with the
task of perfectly fulfilling the demands and
task of perfectly fulfilling the demands and
wishes of our customers.
wishes of our customers.